In 2006, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) published Cancer Patient to Cancer Survivor: Lost in Transition. However, from a patient's perspective we believe it is more like lost in translation. We were asked to come up with a clear, concise, simple educational tool that bridged the patient's medical information to patient friendly worksheets that you would easily understand and further communicate to your PCP and other specialists (like neurology) you may need to see post treatment.
We took hundreds of pages and brought them down to the simplest form, a ‘cliff notes' of resources that speak frankly, including a new approach actually telling the patient/survivor why. Why compliance is essential to your health and why you need to communicate effectively.
It teaches you to take the medical follow up care sheets and “translate†them into something you can communicate comfortably. It teaches how to summarize your past treatment and timeline into an ‘elevator pitch' so that you eliminate the back stories and streamline your relevant medical history and pertinent timeline. It also teaches you to speak up and to explain what is bothering you now, primary issues-what brought you in today and secondary-long term issues like pain, anxiety, sleepless nights, that you also want to address.
This initiative will allow the patient to transition “easierâ€, filling in a key piece of the puzzle, allowing them to self-advocate from a whole new level resulting in the best care ahead. By teaching how to succinctly communicate and why compliance and follow-up is critical…everyone wins.
The Follow-Up Care was piloted with 15 oncology centers we work with. The response was overwhelmingly positive – all the nurses loved it.
Follow Up Care Forms Included:
- Oncology Follow Up Schedule
- My Medical Summary
- My 3 Minute Summary
- My Summary of Medications
- Primary Care Dr (PCP) Info
- Medical Release Records
Follow Up Care Booklet Table of Contents:
- Follow-up Care Guide
- Communicate
- Physically
- Expectations
- Emotional
- Range of Emotions
- Support Groups
- Patience
- Regret
- Fear
- Your Plan
- Why
- Medications/Drugs
- Follow-up Schedules
- Piles of Bills
- Your Primary Care Physician (PCP)
- Take Care of Yourself
- Obvious Things to Do
- Resources
- About the Author
What People Are Saying
Anne McManus, NP MS AOCN
Faulkner Hospital
Boston, Mass.
Jeanne A. Quaranto, RN, CBCN
Steward St. Elizabeth's Medical Center
Center for Breast Care
Boston, Mass.